Don’t Keep Dead Plants Around


My first little apartment taught me a lot of little life lessons: from my air conditioner breaking to accidently setting fire alarms off to decorating to keeping my plants alive.

I had this plant that had been dead for a really long time. I don’t know why but I just kept it around. A lot of it was just me being lazy and not getting rid of it, another part of me thought it was going to magically come back to life (I know crazy right).

I finally threw it away. It probably took me months to do it. As I was throwing it away it hit me that all of us at some point we like to keep dead things around either because we are lazy and don’t want to deal with throwing it away right now or we are hopeful that something is going to change if we keep it around.

But ya know what? Sometimes you just gotta throw the dang dead plant away (figuratively or physically). It’s not coming back to life. You enjoyed it for that time, and now it’s time to let it go. Whatever is dead in your life, just toss it and make room for the new.

It’s okay to get a new plant. That’s all.

Cathleen Daly

nm-based blogger, model, personal branding advisor, traveler, marketer, cat mom, , and this, and that

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