Are You Good at Bragging?

“Bragging is accurate reporting of your career.”
- Meredith C. Fineman, Author of Brag Better

Nobody wants the term, “bragging” to be associated with their name, right? On an episode of #TheFemails, a podcast I listen to regularly by Career Contessa, guest Meredith Fineman challenged the idea of what bragging actually is and how it can be done positively.

A hurdle that some of my personal branding clients often face is that of talking about what they do because they are worried that it may come across as self-serving or “bragging.” These are valid feelings as there are positive and negative ways to go about this. However, I must emphasize that when it comes to building your personal brand, you HAVE TO get comfortable talking about yourself in a way that showcases your unique personality, skillset, and experiences. If you can pinpoint everything you do and what you can uniquely offer the world, then you can pinpoint how you can uniquely empower and help those around you.

And that is something worth bragging about. If you’d like to chat more about your personal brand, I would love to connect!

Episode Link:

Cathleen Daly

nm-based blogger, model, personal branding advisor, traveler, marketer, cat mom, , and this, and that

Content Creation Planning for Your Personal Brand


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